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CD 1장 포함. 본문 상단 여백 전체적으로 조금 울었음. 표지/본문/책머리/배/밑면 살짝 변색됨. 낙서는 안보임. 책머리 먼지 얼룩 조금. 표지 자잘한 흠집 조금. 뒷표지 하단 스티커 부착. 표지 귀퉁이 살짝씩 해짐. 하드커버. 크기: 220×285.
같은 책도 보유량에 따라 가격차가 있을 수 있으니 가장 저렴한 책 고르시길 바랍니다.
간단설명에 대해서 준비중입니다.
서적차례에 대해서 준비중입니다.
In its first two editions, this text pioneered a fresh, contemporary approach to undergraduate neuroscience with a biological emphasis. It quickly became the preferred neuroscience text by both faculty and students. This new third edition will take you further, with a more refined approach, new information on emerging trends and discoveries, and much more. Written specifically to speak to students and stimulate critical thought. Typical neuroscience texts assume that readers possess extensive prior knowledge of biology, chemistry, and physics, while physiological psychology texts often fail to cover the neurobiology that is essential to understanding brain function. Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain strikes the perfect balance, providing a clear, reader-friendly writing style that makes even the most difficult neurobiological principles easy to learn and remember. A good thing made even better. The authors have expanded on strengths of previous editions by incorporating valuable classroom feedback provided by students and faculty. Now, for the first time, a robust package of ancillaries is available for both students and instructors. These bonus ancillaries will add power to instruction and learning-
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